Vegetable Shredder – Derek

Vegan Skateboarder Derek

NAME: Derek Belmont

LOCATION: Portland, OR

OCCUPATION: I work at a cooperative grocery store

Where do you like skating? Ledges

Why did you go Veg? Animal rights, health reasons, environmental reasons, general gross out factor of cow pus etc.

What is your favorite thing to skate and why? A plastic schoolyard picnic table because you can almost always lock in for a smooth Daewon Song style grind.

What shoe are you skating in now? Supra Dixon black/green

Or just say whatever you want about skating Veg… Turning vegan and learning to skate were some of the best decisions I’ve ever made, never look back.


Derek decided to send us a sandwich photo (with skateboards in the background) Thanks man. Unfortunately all of his skate photos where destroyed in what sounded in his email, like a battle at Thunderdome. Wild. Such is the life of the youthfully retired Portlandian. Sleeping till noon, riding skateboards, picking up a shift or two a week at the Co-Op, and fighting for your life against Masterblaster.

Derek skates the Black and Green Supra Dixon. Nice choice. We posted them back in November, and a few random sizes are available on the Supra page, under $40.00 so go snag a deal.

If you want to be a Vegetable Shredder all you have to do is eat veggies and skate. Also go ahead and fill out this form and email me at

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